Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Kick: June 9th, 2011

Ashley always tells me, "She's moving!" But she isn't strong enough for me to feel her moving. So whenever Ashley tells me, I ignore her because it is like she is rubbing it in. But tonight she told me to come try and feel her because she was moving a lot, so I figured why not it'll make her happy. So I am sitting there with my hand on her stomach and she is pressing my hand down hard on her stomach to try and make me feel her. I'm sitting there watching TV when all of a sudden I feel a little something. I can't even explain it because it was so small and soft but I felt it. I felt my baby girl give me a high five!

Tip #23: Greatest feeling ever!

And this is when I first felt the reason why I am on this journey to, destination... dad.

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