Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Agreement: December 16th, 2010

When Ashley and I decided to try for a baby I had some stipulations she had to agree with before I would agree. I am a huge sports fan and played many sports while growing up, so of course I want a son. I think that is every heterosexual man’s wish when trying for a baby. I never made it to the professional level in any sport, hell I didn’t even make it to the college level, but hopefully my son can make it further than I did in whatever sport he decides as long as it doesn’t involve wearing a leotard or figure skates. But on the other hand I want a girl because I helped raise my niece and I know exactly what I am doing when it comes to a girl. So in a nutshell, I want one of each. So I told Ashley that after we have two kids, if they are the same gender then we will have a third. She was hesitant at first but then she agreed. She might have just agreed to it so I would agree to trying for a baby when she is really thinking, “This dumbass doesn’t know that I have control as to whether we have a kid or not.

Tip #1: If she wants to have a baby and you are telling her now is not the right time, but eventually you do decide you want one, and there is something you want. Use this agreement to try for a baby as the bargaining chip. I used it for something far down the road that I want to make sure happens, but you could use it for the new Madden game coming out if you want.

And this is when I planned to set off on my journey to, destination… dad.

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