Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Test: January 29th, 2011

Ashley had already taken the test once, maybe a couple weeks before, and it was negative. So we just assumed it wasn't meant to be, we were a little depressed but I guess the time just wasn't right. But during this week, Ashley kept saying she didn't feel right, she had some stomach pain and would get random headaches. So the night of January 28th she told me that she was going to take the test in the morning, I said, "Ok. Whatever you want to do, you already took one and it was negative, why would it change now?"

Now before we get to the next morning let me give you a little background on myself. I work 40 hours a week, sometimes more, and I am a full time student at Old Dominion University. This is my 6th year and I am finally graduating, so you can call me a super duper senior. Each week my two scheduled days off are Tuesday and Thursday where I am in class from 10am to 9pm. So really I do not have a day off and I never get to sleep in. I work in the hotel business and January/February is not exactly the most popular travel months, so my hours had just been cut down to 32 a week. So this Saturday morning that she plans to take this test is my first day to sleep in for the past couple of months.

Now back to the next morning. Ashley decides she is going to wake up at 8am and go to the bathroom. She kind of woke me up when she got out of bed but I just fell back asleep. She comes back out of the bathroom and just sits next to me on the bed and is staring at me. Now here I am asleep and I open my eyes to her staring at me with a grin on her face. I look at her and say, "It's 8am what the hell are you so happy about." she says, "It's positive." and I reply, "And I'm positive that if you don't leave me alone I'm gonna push you off the bed... wait, what is positive?" I had forgot all about the test she was going to take, I was just trying to sleep in for once. When I finally realized what she was talking about I looked at her and grinned and said, "Are you serious? Because I swear to God if you are just joking I will again push you off the bed." Of course she was telling the truth, we hugged and cherished that moment, I was really surprised I didn't cry. I then looked at her and said, "Now what?"

Tip #3: Remember everything!

And this is when I realized that the plane left without me on my journey to, destination... dad.

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