Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Boobs: February 17th, 2011

Every man loves boobs, we are infatuated with them from when we are born because it is our food source to when we become an adult because we still use them to satisy a certain hunger. Every male knows at least one thing about women when they get pregnant, their boobs get bigger. But what most of those men do not know is that the boobs are off limits.

Almost immediately I began to notice Ashley's boobs getting bigger, maybe they were just bigger in my head because I had anticipated the growth spurt, but either way I could see them growing. I've never really been a boob guy, I am more of an butt and legs kind of guy, but no fat kid is going to complain about a piece of cake with double layered icing on it!

But what if you were told you could have the cake but you couldn't eat it, you couldn't enjoy it, the only thing you could do was look at it?

Luckily, for me, Ashley got an invite from a friend to a "Tupperware Party." Now for those of you that do not know what I am talking about, a "Tupperware Party" is a girl only party where they have a representative come over with many big briefcases and show off the latest, umm, "fun toys." Now it doesn't matter if anything was bought, the fact of the matter is that after this party I got my cake with double layered icing, and I enjoyed every bit of it!

Tip #6: Tell the mother of your child that she seems stressed and she needs to relax and have fun. Tell her to schedule a "Tupperware Party" with the girls. If she doesn't know what a "Tupperware Party" is, schedule one for her.

And this is when I found out that I was flying over a very dry ocean on my journey to, destination... dad.

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