Monday, February 7, 2011

The OBGYN: February 7th, 2011

This was one of the most awkward moments of my life. Ashley asked me if I would go with her to the OBGYN, and of course me being the awesome man that I am I agreed. I couldn't even tell you what OBGYN stands for if I had a million guesses, I just know that this creepy guy in high school wanted to be one when he grew up, and he was caught looking at naked pregnant women in computer lab when he was supposed to be making a spreadsheet. I guess he had a different definition for the word spreadsheet. So now here I am visualizing the creepy guy from high school as Ashley's doctor. I had played this scenario out well over 100 times in my head and every time the creepy guy from high school walks in the room and shuts the door and after I recognize him we wake up in the bathroom from SAW. So needless to say I didn't sleep at all leading up to this appointment.

When we are walking into the OBGYN office I am thinking to myself there will be at least one other guy there with his pregnant wife because that is what soon-to-be-dads do, whatever their baby mamma tells them too. I was wrong, I think I was the only guy within 100 yards of that office building, I felt like an outcast, I wish I had Mel Gibson's ability from What Women Want so I knew why all the women kept staring at me. Did they think I was a great guy for being there for Ashley? Or did they think I came to start a Maury show and prove the baby wasn't mine? Then when I sat down in the waiting room they didn't have a Sports Illustrated or ESPN: The Magazine to read, but I had to do something instead of sit there and read all of the posters they have about pregnancy posted on the wall, so I picked up the Cosmopolitan magazine and started reading it, until then I realized now all the women were looking at me and started to categorize me as the gay friend.

Finally they call Ashley's name, as we are walking down the hallway the nurse sends Ashley off to give a urine sample. The nurse directs me to the ultrasound room where she put me in the corner like Baby. She tells me the doctor is going to ask me to stand in a certain place and she points to an area that is far smaller than I am. So I am standing in the corner and Ashley walks in and starts to laugh and asked why I am standing there, I said, "I was given instructions to stand here, and I am already uncomfortable enough being here that I don't want to be that guy who makes everything awkward for everyone else." As we are waiting for the doctor the door starts to open and I felt like it all happened in slow motion because I was waiting for the creep from high school to walk through the door. Everything was playing out just like the dreams, I was stuck in the corner of the room behind the bed and between a surge protector and what I think was gum, so my mobility was already in jeapordy. The door kept opening slowly just like on TV when you see a shot of the door continuing to open and then a shot of me with nervousness and curiosity on my face. It happened in such slow motion it was like a celebrity was going to surprise us and make a guest appearance for the ultrasound. Thank God a woman walked in! She performed the ultrasound and we got to hear our TBD baby's heartbeat. The doctor told us that Ashley was already six weeks and one day pregnant and her due date would be on October 2nd, 2011.

Tip #4: When agreeing to go to the OBGYN, remember that no matter what happens to you it is definitely a win-win for her.

And this when I found out when I would actually land from my journey to, destination... dad.

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