Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Feelings: April 5th, 2011

As I stated before, we sold Ashley's two door truck and bought a four door truck. Well I wish everything happened as easy as typing that sentence. We had the truck for approximately a month when I drove it for the first time since buying it. Within minutes I noticed a vibration when breaking. I asked Ashley if she felt the vibration and she replied, "Felt what?" So I explained to her I was feeling a vibration when stopping and told her to pay attention the next time we stopped. So while breaking the next time I had to get her attention and remind her again to pay attention because she has her moments like the dog Doug from the movie Up, "Squirrel!" So after she feels the vibration she says, "What is that?" I told her that I'm pretty sure it's the brakes and asked her why she didn't feel that before. She replied, "I didn't know I was supposed too."

So after fixing the break pads and rotors, Ashley called me about a month later on her way home from work and said the truck was feeling like it was going to stall out. She said she didn't feel comfortable driving it so I told her to pull over and I would come look at it. When I got there the truck wouldn't start. So I called to have the truck towed to a repair shop. Come to find out the timing belt snapped and the distributor went bad. While on the way home from having her truck towed, Ashley was sitting in the passenger seat pouting like a teen would if I had just grounded her from her truck. I told Ashley not to be mad because we can't do anything about it now, she yells, "Don't tell me how to feel!" Now when Ashley goes through her hormonal moods I tend to have fun with them, I know it's just like using a Caterpillar to dig my hole, but no matter how deep I get the hole after about an hour she will supply me with a ladder. So here is our conversation:

Ashley: "Don't tell me how to feel!"

Me: "I'm not telling you how to feel, I'm telling you how not to feel."

Ashley: "Rickey don't play with me!"

Me: "I'm not, I'm being serious. There is nothing we can do about it except pay to fix whatever is wrong with it. So by you getting upset your just making the situation worse."

Ashley: "Don't tell me how to feel!"

Me: "I didn't tell you how to feel, I only shared my opinion that time"

Then she realizes that if she just stops talking I will too.

Tip #14: Don't tell her how to feel!

And this is when I wish I could just sleep the entire time on my journey too, destination... dad.

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