Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Budget: March 30th, 2011

As I stated before, I stress about money more than I should because most of the time it is completely unnecessary. My dad taught me a lot when it comes to saving money and only buying what you can afford. So a lot of the times I feel like I am broke but that is because I put more than I should have into my savings account and I just act as if it is not there so I stress when I only have $50 to spend for one week.

Of course everyone knows that a baby is not a cheap adventure in life. It is expensive and it is long, but before Ashley and I decided to try for a baby I played with the numbers and came to the conclusion that we could afford one. Then of course a month later my hours at work get cut and I start to freak out as if she is going to pop the TBD baby out within the week and I immediately have to by him/her a car. I mean I got nine months to prepare for this, right?

I decided to make some sacrifices that I knew I was going to have too make. I cancelled my monthly subscription to my satellite radio service, cancelled HBO/Cinemax, and stopped my monthly donation to the local gym. I almost thought about cancelling my XBOX Live membership, but noticed how I only almost thought about it. We also sold Ashley's two door pick-up truck and bought her a four door truck and are currently in the process of trying to sell my two door sports car for a four door sedan. All of this in only three months, whats next?

Tip #13: Make sure you have a plan already in place when it comes to money.

And this is when I had to sacrifice my first class seat for coach on my journey to, destination... dad.

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