Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Drugs: May 12th, 2011

A sick pregnant woman is a sad story, because if Ashley were too get sick there is only a limited number of medications that she can take. Which means she will be even more miserable than she already is when she's sick. So I made it through 20 weeks without a cough, only congestion as I discussed in the previous entry titled The Snoring. Could I really make it through the entire pregnancy without a cold? I mean I am 50% of the way there, could I be that lucky? No.

Ashley had been suffering from a cold for almost a week and Benedryl was causing her to lose sleep. She was having an opposite reaction to the drowsiness, which happens to some pregnant woman. So she called her doctor and found out that she could take Sudafed without the PE at the end. We went to the Rite-Aid down the street and they did not have the actual Sudafed brand but the Rite-Aid brand instead. We talked to the Pharmacist and he said that she can take the PE version as long as it didn't have this 20 letter long word that started with PH. Which on the front of the box it said "Physifhjnbskfchpasin" free. So we bought them but Ashley was still nervous about taking them, so while in the car I told her to look it up on her phone to ease her mind, which she then found out it was a no-go for anything with PE at the end. Ashley was pissed, she said, "Why the hell is that guy a pharmacist! He could have killed me!"

We then went to Walgreens to find the Sudafed she can take, she immediately found it, picked up the little slip to take the Pharmacy and of course they were closed. She said, "Someone has to be able to give me some." and I told her, "Ya, the pharmacist." So she takes the slip to the front register and ask the woman who replies, "Only the pharmacist can give you this, I don't have a key." Ashley then takes the little slip, throws it on the counter and says, "This is stupid! It's 4:55! Who actually leaves work at five o'clock! Where the hell am I supposed to get some Sudafed!? I can't sleep!" as she walks out the door. I followed her but first apologized to the two cashiers and explained to them that she is pregnant. Once we got to the car Ashley exploded, "Really!? 4:55 and she is gone!? She probably never leaves work early because she doesn't have a life, but today of all days she decides she's going to leave exactly at five o'clock to screw the pregnant woman who needs some Sudafed!" I told Ashley that I completely agree and think that is exactly what happened.

We drive to Harris Teeter, same thing, grabs the slip, takes it to the pharmacy, and they're closed. Ashley just drops the slip in the middle of the isle, walks away and starts mumbling. I just follow like a little minion from Despicable Me. I don't care what she is saying, who she is cursing, or where we are going, I only care about making sure I am in her view if she looks back. We get to the car and she starts cursing out the methamphetamine addicts who are the reason Sudafed is an over the counter drug. This hatred towards meth addicts goes on until we get to the next Rite-Aid, I endure a good 10-15 minutes worth of methhead bashing.

We park at the next Rite-Aid and I am praying to God while walking in that they have the Sudafed. Ashley grabs the slip and takes it to the pharmacy, which is open. She hands the slip to the pharmacist and the pharmacist says, "We don't have Sudafed we only have the Rite-Aid brand." Ashley replies, "Of course you don't. As long as it doesn't have PE at the end then I can take it, my doctor just says I can't take anything with PE at the end." The pharmacist asks why not the PE and Ashley tells her because she is pregnant. Then both of the pharmacist tell Ashley that Sudafed is not OK to take if you are pregnant. Ashley screams, "What the f***! I just won't sleep at all then! That work for you! Have a great day!" I told Ashley to call her doctor because obviously he told her it was OK, so I told her to just double check. She calls the doctor and he says some people say you can't take Sudafed when pregnant because it is considered a category C medication. Which means studies have shown that it causes adverse affects to reproduction in animals but there have been no studies done on humans. So basically nobody knows! Now that Ashley has an answer from her doctor that she can take Sudafed she goes back into Rite-Aid and is now the nicest person ever. She apologizes to both pharmacist and even the guest who witnessed her go crazy. She gets to the car, takes a Sudafed, and is now back to the loving fiance that I know.

Tip #19: Put her in a bubble like Bubble Boy so she will never get sick.

And this is when I started to apologize to random strangers on my journey to, destination... dad.

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