Friday, May 20, 2011

The Wedding: May 20th, 2011

When I had asked Ashley to marry me "The Deed" was done but "The Test" wasn't. I kept telling Ashley I wasn't going to propose to her until after I got my tax money back because I didn't have the money to buy her an engagement ring. It was just my way of making sure she was not expecting a ring anytime soon, so that way when I did propose to her it was like an 18-wheeler hit her while walking through Walmart, completely unexpected! (Although with all the pictures of people in Walmarts on the internet nothing would be unexpected there) But when we had talked about trying for a baby she had said she didn't want people to think that the only reason I asked her to marry me was because we were going to have a baby together. I told her people wouldn't and even if they did who cares because her and I both know that isn't the real reason.

So then after "The Test" took place Ashley and I discussed the wedding date. I wanted to get married within a year because I didn't want to be that guy who looks like he doesn't want to commit but because his girlfriend was complaining about not having a ring he proposed and is engaged for three years. So Ashley and I contemplated dates when I finally said March 3rd, 2012. I picked this date because it's cool to say, 3/3/12. A cool and fun date to say means it will be a cool and fun date to remember, already planning ahead.

Ashley had a problem with the wedding date at first since it only gave her five months t0 lose the baby pounds. But I told her she could do it and pumped her up with motivation, I also used the people from The Biggest Loser as examples, telling her if they can do it she can do it. She believed in herself and what I was telling her and the wedding was on. She went through a month of looking at nothing but wedding websites and kept asking my opinion about different things for the wedding.

Then I think it finally set in, she was starting to feel like Precious (she is going to kill me) and realized that five months would be way to difficult, it wasn't enough time. So after much deliberation, meaning her telling me we weren't getting married in March of '12, we decided on a different date for good reasons. We decided to get married on October 13, 2012. As I said before in "The Announcement" Ashley's nephew was born on December 10th. And throughout my entire sports career I have always worn the number 13. So our wedding date has my sports number and the birthday of Ashley's nephew in it, 10/13/12.

Tip #20: Don't tell her she looks like Precious and give her all the time she needs to lose the baby pounds.

And this is when I realized that my expedition starts October 3rd, 2011 after the completion of my journey to, destination... dad.

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