Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Nursery: May 7th, 2011

Ashley has been asking when I was going to clean out the extra bedroom where the nursery will be ever since she peed on the stick. I told her we had nine months to worry about that. Then nine months became seven, and now we are at five months and the nursery still has not been cleaned out. It is basically our junk room, like an extra large Flintstone closet.

After Christmas was over it was too much of a hassle for me to take the tree and decorations out to the shed or up to the attic. (Now when I say too much of a hassle I don't mean that it was too hard, I mean it was more like an inconvenience. Like the post-2008 Shaq getting back on defense.) So I instead just put everything in the extra bedroom along with the two TVs that Ashley brought over with her when she moved in. I don't know why we still have these TVs, they arn't old LCD TVs that way a ton. They are like the old Zenith I-got-to-get-up-and-change-the-channel-and-then-adjust-the-rabbit-ears-to-get-a-good-picture TVs. Why do we still have them I do not know. If I tried to give them to the salvation army they would say, "No."
So here we are, five months away from the day, and instead of cleaning out the room I am blogging about it. But I have to say I do my best work when under pressure. I got through 12 years of grade school and six years of college procrastinating. I like to consider myself the king of procrastination. So expect another blog at a later date about Ashley flipping out on me because I still have not cleaned out the room. The blog might even be posted on or around her due date.

Tip #18: Start making plans for the room... NOW!

And this is when I started my Sudoku puzzle when I should have been thinking about the landing on my journey to, destination... dad.

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