Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Hurricane: August 28, 2011

So when the over exaggerated hurricane Irene came to the Hampton Roads area (I know, predicting a hurricane is not a science) Ashley, Taylor (our dog), and myself stayed at my hotel because I would most likely have to work all weekend. Well as I have discussed previously, Ashley gets a very bad case of cabin fever (even only for one day). Hell that's the whole reason why Ashley is pregnant as you learned in "The Deed". However, when you mix cabin fever with a pregnant woman things do no turn out very pretty.

We stayed Friday through Sunday. The storm didn't hit until early Saturday morning around two o'clock, so already Ashley was wondering why we didn't just come in Saturday morning. I worked all day Saturday and when I did finally get off and returned to our room, Ashley was looking for something to do, but what is there to do at a hotel? The pool had been closed due to the weather and we don't have a restaurant to go eat at, so she was left with watching TV, the same thing she had been doing all day. She finally decides that she is going to go to Walmart with a friend who was also staying at the hotel. In the middle of the storm she decides it is a good idea to go to Walmart to get dinner! We packed stuff to make PB&Js for a reason! Of course there was no talking her out of this because it was her chance to get away. I can now add Ashley to the list of those idiots I see driving around in the middle of a hurricane, but I guess when you come from Kansas, like Ashley, hurricanes are nothing compared to tornadoes.

Tip #35: Plan to get your wife pregnant so she doesn't have to go through a hurricane.

And this is when I flew through a hurricane on my journey to, destination... dad.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Memento: August 21, 2011

Whether you are reading baby apps for the iPhone, parenting magazines, or different websites, they all tell you that you should start thinking of a memento to have for when your baby gets older, to show them the experience and journey that you as parents went through during the nine months of pregnancy. Looking back, I am glad that I started this blog because what better way for my daughter to understand the loads of crap that her daddy went through while mommy was pregnant than a truthful, don't hold nothing back, tell it like I see it blog!

How will Kherington act when she grows up and reads this blog? I don't know. She might laugh a little bit, maybe shed a tear, smile from ear to ear occasionally, say, "Daaaad?" like she can't believe that I actually put whatever she is reading on the Internet for the whole world to read, or she might vomit on the keyboard while my blog builds pictures in her head she doesn't want to see and always hoped to never imagine. I don't know how she will react, but either way I think she will love it, just as much as I love her.

Tip #34: Think of a really good memento, one that will be around forever. But think of it early in the pregnancy and build on it, don't start whatever it is just in the final weeks.

And this is when I took a step back and really started to admire what I was doing on my journey to, destination... dad.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Dreams: August 13th, 2011

I don't know if this is something that happens to all pregnant women but Ashley has had the craziest dreams recently. She wakes up in the middle of the night and she is either panting, crying, depressed, or frightened. Everyone has nightmares, and I get if you wake up crying or scared because someone was trying to kill you in your dream or you were falling off a building. It feels so real and then you wake up and realize that it wasn't real, it was a dream, and then go back to sleep. Not for a pregnant woman.

Ashley will wake up in the middle of the night freaking out and then decide to wake me up to tell me what she just dreamed about. One night when Ashley was around four months pregnant, she woke up in a panic and told me that she had the baby at four months and then the doctors took her and never brought her back (except her version of the story went on for about 10 minutes). I said, "It's impossible to have the baby now. Go back to sleep."

Another night she wakes up freaking out to tell me that she just dreamt that she had the baby but after the doctors took her to get cleaned up they brought back the wrong baby, they brought back a baby with dark curly hair. Ashley told them that this wasn't her baby. So the doctors apologized and brought back another baby, but this time the baby was a boy, so the doctors again apologized and brought back a baby that was already three months old. Ashley said that she told the doctors that this wasn't her child either but they insisted that it was and wouldn't listen to her. I said to Ashley, "That's impossible they have wristbands they give the babies now to prevent mix-ups. Go back to sleep."

Then most recently she wakes up panting and out of breathe. She wakes me up to tell me the dream and when I find out why she woke me up I just went back to sleep. Later she tells me that she dreamt that a serial killer woman trapped her in the house and was going to kill her and take her baby. Glad to know that I didn't lose any sleep over that one.

Tip #33: Sleep in the other room if you don't want to be bothered by dream recaps in the middle of the night.

And this is when I realized that I too would lose sleep on my journey to, destination... dad.

Monday, August 8, 2011

The Babymoon: August 8th, 2011

Ashley told me she wanted to go away for a weekend before the baby came, that we needed to have a babymoon. I don't know what a babymoon is, I have never heard of one before, but because I am a college educated man I put two and two together and figured it out. I realized it is like a honeymoon except on a babymoon you aren't celebrating your marriage you are celebrating (without alcohol) your last vacation of freedom. But unfortunately I told Ashley we couldn't do it because I wasn't trying to spend a bunch of money before the baby came. Ashley was very upset because she thought that was just my excuse not to go. So I had to explain to her that I want to make sure we are financially set before this baby comes (which nobody is ever financially set, but the closer you think you are the better you feel about being "set"). So Ashley understood and I thought that was the end of it.

Well then Ashley's future maid of honor, Mary, who is getting married in a week decided she is inviting the wedding party down to the Outer Banks for a weekend of celebration. It is like a bachelor and bachelorette party combined. Mary is marrying Ramises, and his best man rented a beach house for everyone down on the oceanfront (thanks Chris!). Ashley and I were not part of the wedding party but I guess because we are so awesome we got invited anyways. Which was an honor and we are glad we could spend the weekend and celebrate with them (thanks guys!). When Ashley told me about this weekend I said to her that we could treat this as our babymoon also! Two birds, one stone.

So we drove down to the Outer Banks and had one hell of a time. It was a great weekend with great friends and Ashley and I even expanded our guest list for our wedding because we met such great people while we were down there. The weekend was a time I will never forget and I really felt bad for Ashley since she couldn't drink. But she cherished the time we spent at the beach (since I never go to the beach), and all the good laughs we shared. After we got home she was upset because she realized she wasn't in a lot of the pictures but that was because she was either napping or the picture was taken after 9p.m. because she was already in bed for the night.

Tip #32: Celebrate the babymoon, even if it isn't exactly what she wants, she will still enjoy every bit of it, as will you.

And this is when I closed my eyes and took a mini "vacay" while on my journey to, destination... dad.