Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Hurricane: August 28, 2011

So when the over exaggerated hurricane Irene came to the Hampton Roads area (I know, predicting a hurricane is not a science) Ashley, Taylor (our dog), and myself stayed at my hotel because I would most likely have to work all weekend. Well as I have discussed previously, Ashley gets a very bad case of cabin fever (even only for one day). Hell that's the whole reason why Ashley is pregnant as you learned in "The Deed". However, when you mix cabin fever with a pregnant woman things do no turn out very pretty.

We stayed Friday through Sunday. The storm didn't hit until early Saturday morning around two o'clock, so already Ashley was wondering why we didn't just come in Saturday morning. I worked all day Saturday and when I did finally get off and returned to our room, Ashley was looking for something to do, but what is there to do at a hotel? The pool had been closed due to the weather and we don't have a restaurant to go eat at, so she was left with watching TV, the same thing she had been doing all day. She finally decides that she is going to go to Walmart with a friend who was also staying at the hotel. In the middle of the storm she decides it is a good idea to go to Walmart to get dinner! We packed stuff to make PB&Js for a reason! Of course there was no talking her out of this because it was her chance to get away. I can now add Ashley to the list of those idiots I see driving around in the middle of a hurricane, but I guess when you come from Kansas, like Ashley, hurricanes are nothing compared to tornadoes.

Tip #35: Plan to get your wife pregnant so she doesn't have to go through a hurricane.

And this is when I flew through a hurricane on my journey to, destination... dad.

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