Monday, August 8, 2011

The Babymoon: August 8th, 2011

Ashley told me she wanted to go away for a weekend before the baby came, that we needed to have a babymoon. I don't know what a babymoon is, I have never heard of one before, but because I am a college educated man I put two and two together and figured it out. I realized it is like a honeymoon except on a babymoon you aren't celebrating your marriage you are celebrating (without alcohol) your last vacation of freedom. But unfortunately I told Ashley we couldn't do it because I wasn't trying to spend a bunch of money before the baby came. Ashley was very upset because she thought that was just my excuse not to go. So I had to explain to her that I want to make sure we are financially set before this baby comes (which nobody is ever financially set, but the closer you think you are the better you feel about being "set"). So Ashley understood and I thought that was the end of it.

Well then Ashley's future maid of honor, Mary, who is getting married in a week decided she is inviting the wedding party down to the Outer Banks for a weekend of celebration. It is like a bachelor and bachelorette party combined. Mary is marrying Ramises, and his best man rented a beach house for everyone down on the oceanfront (thanks Chris!). Ashley and I were not part of the wedding party but I guess because we are so awesome we got invited anyways. Which was an honor and we are glad we could spend the weekend and celebrate with them (thanks guys!). When Ashley told me about this weekend I said to her that we could treat this as our babymoon also! Two birds, one stone.

So we drove down to the Outer Banks and had one hell of a time. It was a great weekend with great friends and Ashley and I even expanded our guest list for our wedding because we met such great people while we were down there. The weekend was a time I will never forget and I really felt bad for Ashley since she couldn't drink. But she cherished the time we spent at the beach (since I never go to the beach), and all the good laughs we shared. After we got home she was upset because she realized she wasn't in a lot of the pictures but that was because she was either napping or the picture was taken after 9p.m. because she was already in bed for the night.

Tip #32: Celebrate the babymoon, even if it isn't exactly what she wants, she will still enjoy every bit of it, as will you.

And this is when I closed my eyes and took a mini "vacay" while on my journey to, destination... dad.

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