Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Memento: August 21, 2011

Whether you are reading baby apps for the iPhone, parenting magazines, or different websites, they all tell you that you should start thinking of a memento to have for when your baby gets older, to show them the experience and journey that you as parents went through during the nine months of pregnancy. Looking back, I am glad that I started this blog because what better way for my daughter to understand the loads of crap that her daddy went through while mommy was pregnant than a truthful, don't hold nothing back, tell it like I see it blog!

How will Kherington act when she grows up and reads this blog? I don't know. She might laugh a little bit, maybe shed a tear, smile from ear to ear occasionally, say, "Daaaad?" like she can't believe that I actually put whatever she is reading on the Internet for the whole world to read, or she might vomit on the keyboard while my blog builds pictures in her head she doesn't want to see and always hoped to never imagine. I don't know how she will react, but either way I think she will love it, just as much as I love her.

Tip #34: Think of a really good memento, one that will be around forever. But think of it early in the pregnancy and build on it, don't start whatever it is just in the final weeks.

And this is when I took a step back and really started to admire what I was doing on my journey to, destination... dad.

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