Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Game: September 3rd, 2011

Old Dominion kicks off their inaugural season in the CAA (Colonial Athletic Conference) today. This is one of maybe three games that Ashley will be able to go to this year. She won't be able to climb up the stairs at the stadium once Kherington is born, but I will still be able too!

Ashley was a trooper though. She is a pregnant woman who looks like she is about to pop, (seriously explode not metaphorically) and still tailgated the four hours before hand (without consuming any alcohol) and stayed for the entire game. Now notice how I did not say "and never complained." Well there is a reason for that. The game time temperature was somewhere in the high 70s, but the wind was being blocked by the stadium and the sun shines directly on our section for the first half. So Ashley was sweating like a whore in a church. She kept telling me how miserable she was and she was starting to feel claustrophobic because she was so big and there was such little space. I looked at her with the most serious face ever and said, "Now you know how I feel all the time. So I don't ever want to hear you tell me to stop complaining when I am sweating wherever we are." Not only was she sweating though, around the beginning of the 3rd quarter I look down at her feet and mistaken ed them for elephant feet. Her feet were so swollen she could have been the foot double for Gwyneth Paltrow in Shallow Hal. Ashley had been on her feet all day (a pregnant woman no-no) and was trying to hide them from my mom and dad because they would have yelled at her. She didn't do a good job though because after the game they were telling her to put ice on them and prop them up and then I was getting in trouble from them for allowing this to happen. Like I have the power to constrict her veins!

Tip #37: I don't and will not do it because I hate feet (I even hate my own feet), but rub her feet for her, it helps with the swelling.

And this is when I realized the toll that this plane was taking during my journey to, destination... dad.

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