Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Strength: September 29th, 2011

Waking up to my alarm clock and not the telephone ring in my room was a blessing. The nurse told me that she would call me if there was any news to report. So for once in my life, the alarm clock was great to hear so early in the morning. I immediately got up and went to see Kherington, according to the nurses she was doing good, her plasma levels were up, and there was no need to use safacton, nor do they think they will have too. They also believe that her lung has clotted up more and there is very little to no bleeding. I immediately called Ashley and told her the good news. She was being released that day and would be meeting me at CHKD as soon as she could.

When Ashley got there, it was so great to see her, and it was very emotional. Ashley checked in and we headed up to the NICU to go see our baby girl. When Ashley walked into the rooom she was so pissed that she had to take 5 minutes to wash and scrub because she could see Kherington the entire time. Kherington was still in the glass box and we still couldn't touch her. But we could talk to her. I know she was so happy to hear her mother's voice.

It was noon and all signs were still good. The doctor came in and said that the test results came back positive and she looks like she got through the worst. She of course will still have to stay for some time to be monitored to make sure everything stays okay, but he said that she will be able to be taken out of the box and we will be able to hold her!

I have just witnessed the amazing strength of my daughter. She was not even one day old yet and I already realized she was more stubborn than I am.

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