Friday, September 9, 2011

The Shower: September 9th, 2011

My mom decided to throw a coed baby shower so I could also celebrate the birth of Kherington, but it wasn't really a shower, it was just a big party. There were so many of our friends and family who showed up that we could barely move around in the house. It was so nice to see, and know, that we have that many people in our lives who care about us and were there to celebrate that moment with us. It was absolutely ridiculous how many presents we were showered with. It looked like someone built The Great Wall of China in my parents living room. We are very gracious and thankful for everything and everyone that night. Also if you still have not received your thank you card, I'm sorry, but thank you!

Tip #38: Be thank ful for everything you receive beacause if it wasn't for friends and family there is no way anyone could afford a baby.

And this is when I realized how much luggage I had on my journey to, destination... dad.

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