Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Boxer: July 20, 2011

In "The Snoring" I stated that Ashley made me feel like I was sleeping next to Brian Urlacher. Well things have now changed, I now feel like I am sleeping next to Manny Pacquiao, or should I say "Manny Preg-uiao."

The OBGYN recently told Ashley that she has a minor case of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. He said that it is not uncommon for pregnant women to get but she needs to be careful with the strain she puts on her wrists. It doesn't help that Ashley sits at a desk in front of a computer all day and types, and it also doesn't help that she sleeps like a cute little angel (she isn't fooling anybody) with her wrist balled up underneath her chin. So what did I do? I bought her two wrist braces to help keep her wrist straight while sleeping. However, she didn't wear them for very long, maybe for like a week or two. I would put them on her before going to bed and she would complain about them being too tight, I told her that they are braces and they are supposed to be tight, well she didn't like that. She would wake up in the middle of the night and all I hear is velcro being pulled apart, she was loosening them up because she claimed her hands were falling asleep. I told her that her hands fell asleep at night before the braces because it's the carpal tunnel that is causing that. Then she would tell me it wasn't comfortable and she didn't like them. So one morning I woke up and they were both laying on the floor. They now are collecting dust on the window sill.

Manny Preg-uiao had a short career.

Tip #29: No matter what you try and tell her, she is going to do what she wants to do. Your job is to just watch and wait for this to all be over with.

And this is when I decided it would be better if I just slept through the flight and stop trying to help on my journey to, destination... dad.

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