Friday, July 29, 2011

The Cousin: July 29th, 2011

While at my softball games, Ashley receives a phone call from her sister Amanda, (Jonny's mom). Amanda asks Ashley if she knows what today is, Ashley had a dumbfounded look on her face and I shouted out, "It's her birthday!" I don't know when Amanda's birthday is I was just guessing but Ashley was quick to correct me. Ashley then says in a very curious voice, "I don't know, what is today?" Then all of a sudden I see Ashley grin from ear to ear and shout, "Oh my God!!! I knew it!!! I knew something was going on when you called me!!!" Amanda had just told Ashley that she was pregnant. She stated that it was still early but she couldn't wait to share the good news.

Looks like I might have to make another trip to Buil-a-Bear for someone else.

Tip #30: Once your significant other is pregnant you will notice everyone else who is pregnant, and when someone you care about shares news with you that they are now pregnant too, you say to yourself, "Does that guy really knows what he is getting himself into?"

And this is when I started thinking about making business cards on my journey too, destination... dad.

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