Friday, July 1, 2011

The Exercise: July 1st, 2011

As stated in the previous post Ashley is worried about getting back to her pre-pregnancy body. She knows that it's going to take some time and a lot of hard work. I told her that I will do whatever I have to do to help her. Whether it's eat healthier or watch the baby after work so she can go run or go to the gym. Whatever she needs from me for her to make her feel better about herself I told her she has my support.

For Christmas I bought her the Xbox Kinect. Everybody thought I really bought it for myself but played it off on buying it for her, but I really did buy it for her. Ashley told me that she wanted to exercise but she hates running (this was BK, before Kherington). So when the Kinect came out, I saw this as a perfect opportunity for her to work out at home. So I bought her the Kinect and the Your Shape video game. Your Shape is basically your own personal trainer. It tells you whether you are doing it right or wrong and if you need to squat lower or rotate more. It is really awesome. Ashley worked out for three days and hasn't turned the game on at all in the year 2011. The game has a post pregnancy workout, and hopefully by the middle of 2012 the game won't play anymore from being worn out.

Now I know I am not the skinniest person. Hell the word skinny hasn't been used to describe me since I was two years old. But like I tell Ashley, when she looked at the "Rickey Brochure" this is what she saw, and evidently she liked what she saw. She can not complain about something if it is what it was when she looked at the brochure. She knew what she was getting when she signed up. You can't buy a car and then take it back and say I don't like that it is blue, because when you looked at the brochure and test drove it, you already knew that it was blue.

Tip #26: Whatever she needs to drop the baby weight, help her and support her. Because in the end both of you will be very happy.

And this is when I found out more details about my future expedition on my journey to, destination... dad.

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