Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Deal: July 12, 2011

As I stated before in "The Nursery" I am a procrastinator and was probably going to procrastinate more when it came to cleaning out the room for the nursery. So here we are, the nursery is nice and clean and let me tell you why it is done so soon.

At one of my softball games while in the dugout, one of my buddies said we needed to take a trip up to Atlantic City before Kherington is born to celebrate. Kind of like a bachelor's party but for becoming a dad instead of a husband. Before I said anything Ashley says, "If he cleans out the nursery by the middle of July then you can have him and take him wherever you want for a weekend." I like how she made this sound as if I needed to get permission before agreeing to this trip. Needless to say I just went along with it, why not, it makes everything that much easier.

So the last time I checked, July had 31 days in the month, which means that the middle of July would be noon on the 15th. Sounds to me like I didn't procrastinate on the nursery this time because I still had three days to spare, Atlantic City here I come!

Tip #28: Deals are always a win/win scenario.

And this is when I realized that I would be having an unexpected layover in Atlantic City for a weekend on my journey to, destination... dad.

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